Saturday, January 15, 2011

heading out the gate

Well, I finally feel like it's time for me to stop acting like I'm going to start a blog and actually start one. In my brief 30 years on this mound of dirt, I've started 3 different blogs, all of which have consisted of no more than 10 posts. This time will be different...really.

Why? Everyone seems to be blogging and unlike the Twitter craze, this is something I can get into. What better way to spread the news of my life over the unmanageable airwaves of the internet?

Regardless of who might be interested in said blog, I know my husband will read it, and that's a good audience to start with (since many posts will likely include stories about him). Plus, there might be some other family and friends who will subscribe because I ask them to and they're nice. If you're one of those folks, I thank you in advance for helping me get this ball rolling. The truth of the matter is, the more people I see checking out my blog, the more likely I am to continue posting and keeping it updated. Irony.

SO...I might as well get started. This weekend has turned out a bit differently than we planned. Thursday night I heard Collin wheezing and began to wonder if his simply stuffy nose had turned into something worth worrying about. We gave it the evening to see what happened, and midway through Friday morning my "spidey-sense" kicked in and I decided I should call the doctor. Good thing I did! Turns out Collin has the beginnings of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and if not caught and treated early, can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis and other nasty respiratory problems. No thanks! So the doc sent us home with some liquid steroids and a stern warning about keeping him away from other babies. So far we seem to be doing ok. He still wheezes when he breathes, but it's not keeping him from eating and he's still pretty happy, so we know he's not in a lot of discomfort.

My plan now is to hunker down in the safe (ever-so-germ-free) walls of our apartment until this blows over, which will hopefully be Monday morning. Prayers are appreciated!


  1. I look forward to the coming posts. Blog on!

  2. Well you didn't ask me to subscribe but because I am nice(ahem ahem), you got another subscriber :)
    Keep blogging!!!

  3. Hey Molly!!! This will be an excellent way for me to get to know your family better!!! You and Jon are such sweethearts and I'm so happy Collin is here and just this rich blessing in your life!!! Keep blogging!!!! And my prayers are with Collin that he gets plenty of rest, is comforted with the medication, and is back to his healthy self in no time!

  4. Hi Molly, I'm looking forward to reading your tales of being a relatively new mother, so I can learn what my life's about to involve and get mentally prepared!
    Hazel Kimmitt
